10,628 Hands Played
Profit/Loss +$1151.74
BB/100 +10.84(Poker Tracker)
V$PIP 19%
PFR 14%
Post Flop Aggro 2.3
Showdowns Won 51.5%
Rakeback $313(Estimated)
SignUp Bonus $140($500 deposit for new account) Now Complete
Total Proft/Loss +$1604.74
Previous Bankroll: $2300
Profits added to Bankroll: $800
Profits deducted for liferake: $804.74
New Bankroll: $3100
A good week, slipped slightly at the end but i guess that was to be expected because i ran hot this week, last week was the total opposite and to be honest id settle for somewhere in between. This has accellerated my move to 200nl and i had to withdraw 50% of my profits this week to life rake as im planning on booking a holiday to Vietnam and Cambodia in June so $800 to life rake and $800 to my bankroll bringing my bankroll from $2300 to $3100. I also have a rakerace finishing in 2 or 3 weeks which i should easily get the $500 prize in that so im going to add that to my roll in advance which would bring my roll to $3600 so if i can make $400 or more profit this week ill make the move to 200nl next week. I wont be making the move exclusively ill basically play the best games available between 100nl and 200nl with the preference towards 200nl but rather than play a tight 200nl game when traffic is low ill play a loose 100nl instead. Anyway this is good, i hope to build on this and i think its good i got the finger out and started trying to make things happen although im under no illussion that this is just 1 week and i cant expect to have this every week.