Friday, August 3, 2007

Month 3: Week 2 Meltdown - Moved to 100nl

Catastrophic comes to mind. I let my V$pip widen to around 27% and started double barrelling alot and soon got into alot of trouble so i done the sensible thing MOVE UP LEVELS to recover losses and this quickly turned into a downward spiral so i took a couple of days off reviewed where i was going wrong, watched alot of 100nl game and decided to stay at 100nl. In truth its not the best decision because i dont have the proper bankroll so i committed myself to adding $1k if i need it and its pretty much a case of if i run ok for a week ill be bankrolled and if i run bad for a week ill have to drop down and add 1k. I know this is a bit of a mistake but i just dont have the patients to grind it out at 50nl at the moment due to financial commitments etc so im going to take the risk. The latter part of the week went ok but it couldnt put much of dent in what was a terrible week. The cast majority, about 8k of the hands here are at 100nl.

This really is a kick in the nuts but i guess i just need to pull up my socks and show im good enough to play 100nl, i imagine anyone looking on will be saying "You muppet drop levels and there probably right"

Played 9276 Hands (8K hands at 100nl rest at 50nl)
Profit +$-1,221.76
BB/100 -7.47
V$PIP 23.5%
PFR 16%
Post Flop Aggro 2.32
Showdowns Won 46%
Rakeback $311

Total Loss $910.76


Anonymous said...

TBH you'd be probably best off dropping down levels to rebuild, or playing a few STTs, because playing scared at a level you've little experience in will only cost you money.
You say you've financial commitments at the moment, well adding another $1K where you could have just won it, would surely dent those commitments, no?
Anyway, best of luck with whatever you do, see you at the tables.


dvdfan said...

Yeah i know your right but to explain the financial thing its more like im under pressure to get the money with a holiday coming up in the next month, after that im not really in a hurry and i can drop back if need be but id like to make enough to be able to witdraw a few bob for a couple of weeks before i go and get something out of the last few months ive invested my time.

As of yet ive not had to invest the other $1k but ive committed myself to doing so if neccessary and i hit bad variance. I can clear about $350 per week in rake so all i need is 2-3weeks above breaking even and ill be in good nic. Of course on of the most important things in poker is bankroll management and ignoring that is most likely the first step to disaster.

For what its worth im definetely not playing scared at 100nl, im having some issues with 3betting that i hope to work on but im fairly happy and its not much more difficult than 50nl for me as the first week i just lost the plot, was 2 loose, was 3barrelling a savage amount and 3betting too freely, ive sorted them issues out now i think