Saturday, December 1, 2007

Month 7 Week 2 Completion

100nl Stats

8,588 Hands Played
Profit/Loss -$187.61
BB/100 -1.09(Poker Tracker)
V$PIP 22%
PFR 16%
Post Flop Aggro 2.14
Showdowns Won 50%
Rakeback $262(Estimated)
Green Joker Points Bonus +$60

Total Proft/Loss +$134.39

Another poor week but i will say i played very well and the cards just arent running for me at the moment but it will come in time. One day after a 2.5k sample i counted 13 bad beat pots over $50 and alot of them full stacks, i still managed to finish less than a buyin down over that sample and for peace fo mind i posted these 13 pots for review to see if people taught they were bad beats or poor play and the response that i got was that although one or two could have been played slightly different like betting turn instead of checking turn there were nearly all bad beats or bad situations, there was one alright where i made a $50 river call which i should have got away from but it confirms for me that i am running bad but still playing well. Only a 4.5 buyin upswing on the last day salvaged this though so maybe ive turned the corner. Not much to report other than that other than im still working hard on my game, much harder than ive done before.


Panic said...

Great blog. Sorry to be responsible for some of your losses.

dvdfan said...

Thanks Red, no problem on the beats Set over Set and Nut Flush vs 2nd Nut Flush for 180bb, not much i can do about it, crazy table, i also gave someone a beat at the same table set over set shortly after you done it to me and everyone seemed to be getting monster after monster. How did you find my blog BTW