Friday, July 6, 2007

Month 2: Week2 Completion Update

Ok so i think this was a week of big transition. After starting well at 50NL it became very obvious the last 2 weeks didnt go well. After some people pointed out that my aggression and stealing werent high enough i changed my game and i think it affected me badly. Not so much the stealing but the agression. When people were saying the higher your aggression the better i felt i needed to change this but my mistake was where i was getting aggressive. I started RR bluffs, small PP that missed flops and hands like that, this led to me being in inflated pots with the worst hand alot and i was getting looked up light too much and it wasnt bringing my aggression up by much because when i started getting looked up i lessened but at that stage id lost a couple of buyins.

Anyway i felt my game needed serious looking at as i was become a losing player and i spent alot on 2+2 reading the forums and asking questions about my game, i watched a few cardrunners video for 50NL TAG session and it was becoming pretty apparant that 3 betting with bluffs wasnt the way to increase my aggression. I found that i was calling way too much with middle and bottom pair on the flop to see what the turn brought, i also found i rarely if ever raised when i had TP id just call to showdown or bet to showdown, so ive added this to my game and i also get aggressive with hands that have lots of outs and ill basically play them like i have a great hand as long as im getting the right odds.

These changes albeit very recent have now turned my aggression from around 1.5-1.8 to around 3.5-4.5 and ive also tightened up alot from the SB where i was losing money and im a small bit more tighter stealing. I still realise the importance of stealing the blinds but i dont do it now with trash hands especially from the CO and ill tighten up if the blinds are loose. All pretty simple things but i think they can bring my game on track and since i made the changes 2-3 days ago i have found my play is returning to profit again and im starting to feel confident although i had a very tough early part of the week so i didnt make that much but im confident i can return to winning ways now.

Results Week 2 50NL:

10,136 Hands Played
Loss -$139 .18
BB/100 -1.91
V$PIP 23%
PFR 15%
Post Flop Aggro 2.0
Showdowns Won 47%
Rakeback $188.00

Total Profit +$48.82

So its onwards and upwards from here


Noel Hayes said...

Keep up your work. Your obviously putting alot of work into your game and it will eventually be rewarded. You are identifying your errors and working to correct them. It will be tough at times but stick to your game plan.

dvdfan said...

Thanks BCB, things are finally starting to come together. I had a half decent week last week and im having a good week so far so hopefully it keeps up